Special Counsel Jack Smith has made the decision to dismiss charges against Donald Trump in both the election interference and classified documents cases. This move comes at a critical moment in US history, and support is needed to continue investigative journalism. The Independent is committed to providing quality reporting on a variety of important issues, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech. The publication relies on donations to fund journalists on the ground and ensure that quality journalism is accessible to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
Meanwhile, President-elect Donald Trump is considering rolling back student debt relief programs initiated by President Joe Biden, potentially affecting millions of borrowers. He has also threatened to impose massive tariffs on China, Canada, and Mexico, leading to economic concerns and worries about inflation among consumers. Democrats have expressed consternation over these proposed tariffs and believe that Trump may face backlash once the effects are felt domestically.
In other news, Trump allies are claiming credit for a proposed Israel-Lebanon ceasefire deal, attributing the progress to the incoming administration’s support for Israel and commitment to peace in the Middle East. Additionally, there is a contentious battle for the No. 2 position at the CIA between two controversial Trump loyalists, and speculation that Rep. Matt Gaetz may be preparing to run for governor of Florida.
Overall, the political landscape remains tense and uncertain as the transition of power approaches, with significant implications for both domestic and international affairs.
Photo credit www.independent.co.uk