Newly elected West Virginia lawmaker Joseph de Soto is facing felony charges for making terroristic threats against government officials, including West Virginia Republican Speaker of the House Roger Hanshaw. De Soto, a Republican representing Berkeley County, was arrested following an investigation by state police. West Virginia GOP Party Chair Matt Herridge condemned de Soto’s actions, stating that threats against officials and their families are unacceptable.
De Soto, who won his first term in November, changed his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat the day before his arrest. The West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office is investigating whether a candidate elected under one party can switch to another before taking office. If convicted, de Soto could face a maximum fine of $25,000 and three years in prison.
The West Virginia State Police emphasized that threats against government officials will not be tolerated and are taken seriously. De Soto has not commented on the allegations. The case is still under investigation, and state police are working to determine the details of the threats made by de Soto. The situation has caused a stir in West Virginia politics, with officials denouncing violence and intimidation in government processes.
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